Potlatch help

Logging in

To use Potlatch, you need to have created an account on openstreetmap.org.

The first time you save, Potlatch will bring up a popup window asking you to log into OpenStreetMap. Do so and click 'Grant access' when prompted. From then on, you can save directly from Potlatch without logging in. (If for any reason you need to log out again, you can do that from the Options window.)

Finding somewhere to edit

When Potlatch starts, it's zoomed out to show the whole world. You can't edit at this scale - you need to zoom in close to the place you want to edit. There are several ways to do this:

Once you've zoomed in, the map will change to a satellite view with editable map data superimposed over it.

You can save favourite places in Potlatch's Bookmarks menu.

Drawing features

Remember, if you make a mistake, you can always hit the Undo button. Pressing the Esc key will undo all your edits for the current feature.

Editing features

Advanced editing


Select the point or way that you wish to edit, adn choose the appropriate tag from the left sidebar. After tagging the feature, some basic fields should appear such as Name, Speed Limit, and Width, depending on the tag you gave. Fill these out as best you can.

Advanced users may notice the absence of a few tags and tag values they occasionally use. If this is the case, click on the Advanced tab at the bottom of the sidebar (or press T) and edit/add as necessary.

The way or node ID is shown at the foot of the panel. If the currently selected object is a multipolygon relation (a shape with holes), use the popup menu to switch between the relation itself and its members.

The OpenStreetMap wiki also provides an extensive list of tags and tag values. Please refer back to the OSM documentation if you are unsure of which tag to use.


Menu bar



Mouse actions

Keyboard shortcuts

Function keys

You can assign function keys to editing shortcuts.