2 March 2006
Ok, I don't usually do a round-up, but here's some fun stuff. - This Ming came out of beta the other week...
- ...and this one came out of beta today. Both great news. (As the Super Furry Animals once sang, "I'm a minger / You're a minger too / So come on minger / I want to ming with you-oo-oo")
- Anna has a new job (primary ICT advisor for Swindon Borough Council) and a new car. It's silver; our existing one, of course, is orange. Otherwise identical.
- Interesting developments at Waterscape. All the e-commerce booking systems have gone, replaced with banners linking to the third-party sites, and the Eating & Drinking section has been promoted to take its place. Quite sensible in the circumstances, though I do harbour a little regret that we never managed to make more of the holidays (the Marketplace was still-born) - because booking a holiday online is still so horrible. I had the misfortune to try and use lastminute.com yesterday. Yeech. Tells you nothing about the destinations, assumes you have perfect knowledge of world geography, and the selection is crap (the only 'holidays' they have in France at Easter are ski-ing breaks).
- New Popular Edition downloads go live soon!
- A new waterway blog - looks interesting.
- Hauptwerk v2 is out - a cathedral organ sound for a few hundred quid. Breathtaking. Here are the demos.
- Still working on CycleWiki.
- Current listening: Vaughan Williams' Prelude on Rhosymedre, William Orbit's new album, and (not on iTunes) the bonus CD from Beth Orton's Pass in Time, which contains Don't Wanna Know 'Bout Evil off Superpinkymandy, which sounds just like something off Ray of Light, except with a better vocalist. Yay! Go William Orbit!
And we've finished the April WW, and that, too, has some fun stuff in it... but you'll have to wait a couple of weeks for it.